2020 Leadership Meeting Program
What People Are Saying About 2020 Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting
It is more important than ever to find other ways to strengthen our ties with each other. The virtual Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting provides an opportunity for members to come together from all corners of the globe, and to foster the sense of community that is unique to INTA.

Ayala Deutsch NBA Properties Inc.
Organizations that succeed in a crisis demonstrate leadership by recognizing novel circumstances. INTA has done that by going virtual with the Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting in November.

Uche Nwokocha Aluko & Oyebode
The attractive pricing affords people of the INTA community who normally do not have the chance to attend the opportunity to experience an Annual Meeting. It will give every member of the FIFA IP team, including counsel, paralegals, assistants, the opportunity to participate.

Daniel Zohny Federation Internationale de Football Association
With lower registration fees and removal of travel costs, I'm able to 'bring' additional team members, which is really exciting for us and opens up new opportunities. Additionally, the flexibility of the meeting format means my team in the EU and Australia can now fully participate in their time zone, and not miss out.

Dana Northcott, Inc.
The virtual platform will allow us to connect and network with colleagues in a focused, innovative way, in a year that otherwise would not be possible, given travel restrictions … cutting-edge technology will take these online connections to a new level.

Elisabeth Bradley Bristol-Myers Squibb Company