Press Releases

Greek Lawyer Wins International Trademark Association’s Advancement of Association Objectives Award

Published: November 16, 2022

Miami, Florida—November 15, 2022—The International Trademark Association (INTA) announced Marina Perraki, Partner at Tsibanoulis & Partners Law Firm in Athens, Greece, has won an Advancement of Association Objectives Award.

The Advancement of Association Objectives Award is Awarded to one or more individuals of an INTA Member organization whose participation, efforts, and innovative thinking during the year have advanced: (a) substantive trademark and complementary intellectual property law and practice; (b) committee or subcommittee objectives; or (c) the strategic objectives of INTA’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.

Ms. Perraki has worked with the International Amicus Committee since 2016, rising through the ranks to chair the Europe Amicus Subcommittee during the 2020–2021 term. During her tenure, the subcommittee filed a remarkable twelve amicus briefs in Europe, including the first to come before the EUIPO’s Grand Board of Appeal. Actively involved in the drafting of all memos and briefs submitted to the Executive Committee during our last term and as the Vice Chair of the International Amicus Committee, Ms. Perraki proactively monitors case law in Europe and keeps the subcommittee’s members motivated and focused.

Upon winning the award, Ms. Perraki remarked, “When I was writing my PhD dissertation on trademark dilution, I came across the important work of INTA in amicus briefs before the U.S. and European courts and bodies. I always admired the high quality of those briefs, and I agreed with the position they proposed. It was a dream come true, when, years later, I was asked to join the International Amicus Committee and then to take on the great challenge of chairing the European Subcommittee.”

“Ms. Perraki’s leadership on the International Amicus Committee has not only raised the profile of amicus curiae in Europe, it’s also raised the profile in INTA as trusted friend of the court among the European courts,” said INTA President Zeeger Vink.

This year’s INTA awards were presented at the Association’s 2022 Leadership Meeting in Miami, Florida, which is taking place through November 18. Margaret Baumgartner, Associate General Counsel, Intellectual Property, at Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. (Memphis, Tennessee, USA) together with Jay Myers, Partner at Seyfarth Shaw LLP (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) also won the Advancement of Association Objectives Award.

Read about all of the award winners.

About the International Trademark Association
The International Trademark Association (INTA) is a global association of brand owners and professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks and related intellectual property (IP) to foster consumer trust, economic growth, and innovation. Members include nearly 6,500 organizations, representing more than 34,350 individuals (trademark owners, professionals, and academics) from 185 countries, who benefit from the Association’s global trademark resources, policy development, education and training, and international network. Founded in 1878, INTA is headquartered in New York City, with offices in Beijing, Brussels, Santiago, Singapore, and the Washington, D.C., Metro Area, and a representative in New Delhi. For more information, visit

Press contact:
Elizabeth Bogner
Senior Strategist, Communications
[email protected]
