2024 Annual Meeting Opening Ceremonies: INTA’s Priorities in a Pivotal Year

Published: August 14, 2024

During the 2024 Annual Meeting this past May in Atlanta, Georgia, INTA CEO Etienne Sanz de Acedo used his time on stage at the Opening Ceremonies to reflect on the Association’s journey through—and emergence from—the COVID-19 pandemic. He went on to explain why 2024 is a pivotal year globally, with elections in 64 countries, and how a series of challenges are impacting how individuals think, feel, and behave—leading to heightened concern about the future. He also discussed specific challenges facing INTA and the global intellectual property community today. In this context, Mr. Sanz de Acedo presented INTA’s current priorities, noting: “Now it’s time for all of us to start building,” adding that the Association is “uniquely positioned to get ready for the future.” Here is his full presentation:

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