Read the latest information on the status of IP in Russia and Ukraine.

What’s In a Name?
INTA recently authored an op-ed in response to Bill 96, legislation intended to improve access to product information in French. INTA highlights the negative consequences for brand owners and their trademarks—and how this may ultimately result in fewer products being sold in Canada. The article below is in French.
Amicus Briefs
We monitor critical IP cases around the world and provide our expertise in trademark law via amicus briefs and other friend of the court filings. The International Amicus Committee drafts briefs—either requested or self-initiated—and the Board’s Executive Committee votes on their approval.
Board Resolutions
Board resolutions provide the basis for our official advocacy position. Members of topic-specific committees draft the resolutions based on their in-depth analysis, and then the Board votes on their approval.
Model Laws & Guidelines
We make our Model Laws and Guidelines, which are prepared by members on topic-specific committees, available to governments around the world. They inform the drafting and revision of related statutes, rules, and agreements that form the basis of IP practice and compliance.
Committee Reports
Our committees produce reports on current and emerging issues and their impact on brand owners. Committee reports are data driven and bolster our advocacy work.
Testimony & Submissions
Governments and inter-governmental agencies view us as the subject matter experts with regard to initiatives that form the rules, norms, and values for trademark laws and related areas of law. We typically provide our expertise through testimony and written submissions in addition to our interactions with government officials.
Ways to Get Involved
We invite you to learn more about our approach to advocacy and to contribute to the conversation about our existing policy priorities and other issues that impact brand owners around the world. Please contact us.

The INTA PAC is our nonpartisan political action committee that serves to amplify brand owners’ voices and perspectives in the political process by contributing to both candidates for and incumbents in the U.S. Congress, based on their positions on significant IP issues.