INTA Delegation to Turkey Cements Ties with the IP Ecosystem

Published: October 4, 2023

Olha Volotkevych International Trademark Association (INTA) Brussels, Belgium

Aiming to strengthen ties with relevant stakeholders and pave the way for new collaborations in the protection and advancement of intellectual property (IP) rights, an INTA delegation visited Turkey in September. With the assistance of INTA Board Member Okan Can (Deris Intellectual Property Attorneys, Turkey), INTA President Jomarie Fredericks and INTA Chief Representative Officer for Europe, Tat-Tienne Louembe, met with key officials on a range of IP-related issues.

INTA, together with TÜRKPATENT, the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, organized a policy dialogue on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in trademarks. The event took place at the Istanbul Caglayan Court House Conference Hall. Speakers from the Supreme Court, the Courts of Intellectual and Industrial Rights, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Trade (Customs Directorate), and TÜRKPATENT shared their best practices for handling trademarks and infringements in sessions moderated by prominent Turkish IP professors and INTA members.

During the visit, the delegation took the opportunity to meet with the Turkey Exporters Assembly (TIM) and YASED International Investors Association (YASED). INTA signed cooperation agreements with both organizations.

Created to facilitate the competitive edge of Turkish exporters in the international arena, TIM is an umbrella organization representing more than 103,000 Turkish exporters operating in 27 sectors. Collaboration with TIM provides INTA members with an opportunity to participate in TIM’s trade delegations to other countries and speak at their business forums.

This visit marked the Association’s second engagement with YASED, whose mission is to enhance Turkey’s attractiveness to investors. The two organizations agreed to jointly cooperate on developing programs and projects of mutual interest, participating in various events, and exchanging information in order to achieve common goals.

The delegation concluded with an Unreal Campaign event at Istanbul University.

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