INTA Research

Trademarks in the Metaverse White Paper

Published: April 12, 2023

Trademarks in the Universe report cover The metaverse is promising to revolutionize how the Internet is experienced.

While it offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation, this immersive new reality also presents a diverse set of challenges and legal considerations.

Due to the novelty of the metaverse, there are still several areas of trademark law and practice that are open to discussion and debate. Determining how trademark use in the metaverse may align or conflict with local legal standards for physical-world trademark use will inform how trademark rights linked to metaverse activity will be established, maintained, and enforced across jurisdictions.

Lawmakers, policy makers, and the intellectual property (IP) community must consider how this burgeoning new reality could impinge on trademark owners’ rights and how to address the challenges it will bring about.

Trademarks in the Metaverse explores the far-reaching implications for IP professionals and brands in the metaverse.



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