
Getting Down to Business in Singapore: An Interview with 2023 Annual Meeting Co-Chair Zaheera Hashim

Published: February 1, 2023

Zaheera Hashim (Procter & Gamble, Singapore)

INTA’s 145th Annual Meeting Live+ takes place in person in Singapore from May 16 to 20, followed by a virtual event from June 27 to 29. More than 3,500 registrants from 115 countries have already signed up for the Association’s second Annual Meeting to take place in Asia.

In the second of our conversations with the key figures behind the event, the INTA Bulletin spoke with Annual Meeting Co-Chair Zaheera Hashim (Procter & Gamble, Singapore) for a behind-the-scenes look at the 2023 Annual Meeting Live+ and all it has to offer—from the perspective of someone who lives in the “Lion City.” (Read our January 18 interview with Ms. Hashim’s fellow Co-Chair, Karina Dimidjian-Lecomte (Casalonga, France).)

Ms. Hashim is a Director and Assistant General Counsel – Trademarks and Marketing Assets at Procter & Gamble (Singapore). An INTA volunteer since 2000, she has served on the Board of Directors and the 2014 Presidential Task Force and was co-chair of the Asia-Pacific Global Advisory Council.

A two-pronged educational program that seeks to bring brand professionals, innovators, owners of small and medium-sized enterprises, venture capitalists, investors, and government officials together, promises to be a highlight of the 2023 Annual Meeting Live+. Add to that the opportunities for Business Development (BD) and networking, not forgetting the excitement of meeting in a new location, and registrants are in store for another memorable Annual Meeting. Ms. Hashim talks us through the highlights and explains why brand professionals of all backgrounds and experiences will get something out of the 2023 Annual Meeting Live+.

Singapore is renowned as one of the world’s most innovative countries. Its economic growth is no doubt impressive given that the country only become independent in 1965, less than 60 years ago. What, in your view, is responsible for Singapore’s amazing rise during this time? And what would you like Annual Meeting registrants who have never visited Singapore to know about your home country?
We are where we are today because of the vision of our leaders and the tenacity of our people. We see plans made and efficiently followed through. Both the Singapore government and Singaporeans in general are agile and equally focused internally and externally.

I’m excited to see how the Singapore IP Strategy 2030 unfolds to secure the country’s position as a global hub for intangible assets and intellectual property (IP), as well as attract more innovative enterprises and create rewarding job opportunities in this space.

Thanks to our open regime, Singapore has also been recognized in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report as having the world’s most efficient legal framework for dispute resolution. Our agility and the constant reevaluating of the legal industry allow Singapore to establish itself as an attractive place to do business.


Our agility and the constant reevaluating of the legal industry allows Singapore to establish itself as an attractive place to do business.

Everyone already knows that Singapore is tiny, but let me warn you, this little island packs a good punch when it comes to fun! We don’t have chewing gum but who needs that anyway when you have so much good food everywhere you go. We have efficient and accessible transportation, and it’s safe to walk around at any time of the day and night. I hope everyone will check out INTA’s Business Development (BD) Program. It not only includes the popular activities that take place in the conference center, such as Table Topics and various receptions, but a variety of activities that take advantage of this vibrant city. Between the lush greenery, the beachfront, the healthy dose of mixed cultures, and the hotpot of good food, no one will be left behind!

INTA is offering bulk pricing discounts for the Live+ Package (In-Person + Virtual) registrations. What, in your view, are the benefits for a company to send a delegation, including both senior and junior people, to the Annual Meeting?
Indeed, for every three full-priced Corporate Live+ (In-Person + Virtual) registrations purchased, INTA offers one complimentary Live+ registration.

INTA is famous for being an excellent forum for BD, but complementary to the networking opportunities are five days’ worth of solid knowledge-sharing content. This year, more than previous years, we have developed more business-focused sessions for seasoned IP practitioners and targeted content for junior IP lawyers, support staff, and even business leaders with a basic IP background. We hope everyone can benefit and learn from their peers in a less intimidating setting on topics relevant to their day-to-day work.


The Innovation Marketplace also provides an opportunity for SMEs to meet venture capital firms and investors from the region.

What’s going to be different this year is that the educational program is structured in such a way that it offers both the IP/legal-focused content and also very broad business content to attract all levels of experience in IP. So, if you’re new to IP, or if you and your team want to learn about both the legal and business aspects of IP from the experts, this is the IP gathering for you.

You’ve touched on the educational program, which is themed around the business of innovation and features two curated educational tracks: an IP and Innovation Track and a Business Track. You’re leading the Business Track. What can you tell us at this stage about the programming in this track?
It is new and not to be missed! The most exciting part is the casual format of the sessions in the Business Track. They will take place in the Innovation Marketplace [previously called the Exhibition Hall] and will be short, 30-minute conversations between business experts, legal experts, and brand owners, among others. Most importantly, the format and space allow for the audience to engage and ask questions.

Here’s a sneak peek into some of the topics: we will hear from the next generation of award-winning innovators about their IP journey; we will get practical tips on how to convert ideas into IP and into a profitable business model; we will discuss the impact of the financial markets on IP and innovation; we will get tips from owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on what goes into a successful go-to-market strategy.

The Innovation Marketplace also provides an opportunity for SMEs to meet venture capital firms and investors from the region, whom we’re hoping to attract with our exciting program content and BD opportunities.

In INTA, we’re very cognizant of how the role of brand professionals is evolving in their companies and how their mandates are expanding. The same can be said for those in law firms and the kinds of services they offer. Why, in your view, to be effective, must brand professionals today understand and engage in the business of the brand?
A good brand lawyer helps the client navigate the laws to stay compliant and protects the client’s brand and IP. A great brand lawyer does all of that but also helps to co-create valuable intangible assets. To do that, the brand professional needs to first understand the internal business environment and the external competitive landscape and learn to speak the same business language to earn the client’s respect.


My advice would be to take it at your own pace. Leaving the Annual Meeting with one or two key learning nuggets that you can implement to improve your practice or business, is still 100 percent success.

We spoke with your co-chair, Ms. Dimidjian-Lecomte, a few weeks back, about the evolution of the Annual Meeting. Part of this evolution has been the expansion of offerings, including in the educational program and BD opportunities. One of the greatest benefits of the INTA Annual Meeting is having your counsel/clients—and potential counsel/clients—from around the world all in one place for a whole week. The key goal for registrants is to schedule as many meetings as possible and expand their professional network. With this in mind, the Annual Meeting can be overwhelming, especially for first-time registrants. What advice can you offer those looking to get the most out of the Meeting and experience everything it has to offer?
Being able to meet the fraternity in person again after a few years in isolation is itself a great reason to be at the Annual Meeting in Singapore. Having the opportunity to make new friends and potential business partners in an exciting and enriching environment is the icing on the cake.

My advice would be to take it at your own pace. Leaving the Annual Meeting with one or two key learning nuggets that you can implement to improve your practice or business, is still 100 percent success.

Plan your day. There will be sessions you want to attend that overlap, and the convention center is huge. It may sound silly, but take commuting time into consideration. And don’t be shy—INTA members are approachable and friendly! Go to the receptions and enjoy the social events. You may catch who you need there and have fun at the same time.

One final question: If someone is coming to Singapore for the first time and they have a bit of free time, what should they do?
As I mentioned, Singapore is tiny. With only a bit of free time you can still get out and see some sites! The conference center, the Marina Bay Sands, is actually very central, so just taking a walk around the area between sessions is already an enjoyable time with loads to see. Many of the major attractions are also accessible from the conference center by train, and just one stop or two stops away.

There are also sightseeing activities as part of INTA’s BD program, so you can take a tour together with other registrants and grow your professional network at the same time! See the island with other registrants. You will not only have a fantastic time but also build your network and share experiences with your peers. As always, we look forward to seeing you at the Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening, at one of the regional receptions, and at the Grand Finale at Universal Studios!

Learn more and register for the 2023 Annual Meeting Live+.

Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this article, readers are urged to check independently on matters of specific concern or interest. 

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