For Consumers

Reporting Scams, Fraud, and Counterfeits
If you have been a victim of a scam, fraud, or purchased a counterfeit product, then you can submit a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Each report helps build cases, stop scammers, and also alert others about current trends. INTA has partnered with the FTC to provide access to a streamlined and user-friendly way to submit reports to the FTC about scams, frauds, and bad business practices.
Using the button below you will be directed to the FTC website, and then you click on the “Report Now” button. Follow the steps and complete the report with as much information that you have. You can report any scam, fraud or bad business practice you’ve spotted encountered anywhere in the world.

Unreal Campaign
Say “no” to what’s unreal. Not only are counterfeits poorly made, they can jeopardize the health and safety of those who make the products, those who buy them, and the environment itself. Counterfeit products also have connections to organized crime.
Through our Unreal Campaign, we inform young consumers (ages 14 to 23) about the importance of trademarks and brands, how to make smart purchasing choices, and the powerful influence they have in the fight against fakes.
From our Brand & New Podcast: Intellectual Property for Kids!

4 Reasons 4 Trademarks
Differentiation. Protection. Reputation. Revenue.
Learn how trademarks and related IP can protect your brand while building consumer loyalty and trust.

The Power of Trademarks Exhibit
The power of trademarks is all around us, and it’s constantly evolving. From the food we eat and the clothes we wear to billboard and Internet advertising, trademarked products, logos, and slogans are an essential part of our daily lives. Visit our exhibit, “The Power of Trademarks,” at the National Inventors Hall of Fame® Museum in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
After a lengthy closure due to the pandemic, the Museum reopened to the public in June 2022 and INTA’s exhibit is ongoing.