
What Is Counterfeiting?

Counterfeiting is the illegal production and sale of goods (including packaging) bearing without authorization a trademark that is identical to a validly registered trademark or that cannot be distinguished from such a trademark.

The sale of counterfeit products is a significant issue facing consumers, industry, and governments. The Internet heightens the problem, as counterfeiters find simplified means and additional channels in the virtual world to promote and sell their goods.

Our Position

We believe that governments at the national and international level must strengthen anticounterfeiting laws and enforcement in order to reduce criminal activity linked with counterfeiting, including ties to child labor, organized crime, and terrorism. The public and private sectors must cooperate to effectively address the serious threats counterfeiting poses to national security, economies, and the health and safety of consumers.

We support the development and passage of legislation, regulations, and trade agreements throughout the world that increase national and international enforcement mechanisms against counterfeiting. Through our Anticounterfeiting Committee and partnerships with governments and committed associations, we emphasize the importance of strong anticounterfeiting measures and increased awareness of the harms of counterfeiting.

With our diverse membership, we have supported the development of industry-led voluntary actions for trademark owners and service providers to take to contend with the proliferation of counterfeit products on the Internet.

If you want to learn more about Counterfeiting, contact Member Operations.